Thirty-one year old Ibrahima Coulibaly is a charismatic and energetic young entrepreneur who loves his work and is palpably excited to have the opportunity to be in business! He wants to offer “everything” to his customers, seeing no limit to what he can accomplish.

In addition to melons, Ibrahima buys large quantities of coal, straw and other types of animal food, which he then sells in small quantities to buyers who live in his “quartier,” or neighborhood. He is also raising chickens which, when mature enough, will be sold as young fryers to his customers.

Ibrahima paid off his first loan before the due date, then received a second loan in order to buy even more diverse products for his customers. He recently hired an assistant, Aliou Ghatta Faye, giving vital employment to one more person in the town of Saint-Louis.

Ibrahima’s income has increased from 125,000 CFA per month (about $190), to 180,000 CFA ($275) per month, an increase of 44%. His earnings will increase dramatically as his chickens mature to selling age. His energy makes you wonder if this the beginning of a future Senegalese Walmart? Maybe so.

Ibrahima is married and has two adorable young children who are already fascinated by their father’s entrepreneurial pursuits.

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